A module for a handful of core types that are used throughout vlt extensively, and don’t belong to any one particular implementation.
import { type Manifest, type Packument, type Integrity, type Signature, isManifest, isPackument, isIntegrity,} from '@vltpkg/types'
const mani: Manifest = { name: 'hello', version: '1.2.3', dist: { tarball: 'https://example.com/hello-1.2.3.tgz', integrity: 'sha512-3yWxPTq3Uq/imagine/if/this/was/the/integrity/wow/it/could/happen/just/very/unlikely/00==', },}mani.dist.integrity// ^? Integrity | undefinedconst someRandomObject = { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3',}if (isManifest(someRandomObject)) { someRandomObject // ^? Manifest}